Santa Fe Indian School


Academic Counseling

At SFIS, we value the whole student, meaning the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual development and well-being of each individual. Resources to address the well-being of students are available based on student need and request and through a referral process. The following types of counseling services are available for students and also serve as resources to assist faculty, staff and parents:

  • Academic Counseling
  • College/Career Counseling
  • 9th - 12th Grade and Middle School Counseling

Academic Counseling

The academic counselors handle scheduling and academic questions for students, as well as parent questions about their child’s grades or academic status. They are responsible for:

  1. CounselingAssuring students are on track for graduation, including placement in the appropriate grade, review of credits for new students, in-house credit recovery and tutoring, summer school grades and referrals, and the development of four-year plans.
  2. Communication with staff, parents, and students including teacher-student staffings, individual education plan meetings, and student assistance team meetings.
  3. Test preparation and administration of all state-mandated assessments

College/Career Counseling

The college/career counselor works with high school students to prepare them for life after high school by developing career plans with students and by:

  1. Providing workshops on career exploration, college essay writing, the college application process, college financial aid, and scholarship applications.
  2. Arranging for ACT workshops, ACT application assistance, and transportation of students to ACT testing locations.
  3. Promoting and assisting in the Gates Millennium Scholar application process.

Students also receive college/career counseling through their college/career readiness classes.

9th - 12th Grade and Middle School Counseling

These counselors work with the grade-level teams and individual students on academic goals, career exploration and social adjustment through workshops and, classes and counseling sessions and by:

  1. Assigning in test preparation and administration, and career day activities
  2. Communicating with parents, Academics and Student Living staff on student issues and concerns
  3. Working with SFIS staff members to address behavioral, mental health and academic issues with students, including substance abuse assessments