Santa Fe Indian School

Student Life

National Junior Honor Society

Selection Criteria & Membership in NJHS

The NJHS chapter establishes rules for membership that are based on a student’s outstanding performances in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship and character.  These five criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.

CHARACTER: The student of good characterupholds ethics and morality, showing courtesy, concerns and respect for others, is accepting of constructive criticism and recommendations, and manifesting truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to school rules and SFIS Core Values.

  •         No major violation in school or dorms
  •         Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
  •         Consistently exemplifies good character (responsibility, respect, citizenship, compassion,trustworthiness caring, fairness, empathy, honesty, loyalty)
  •         Consistently demonstrates desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, stability)
  •         Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
  •         Regularly shows courtesy, concerns, and respect for others
  •         Observes instructions and rules, is punctual, faithful both inside and outside the classroom
  •         Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work

 SCHOLARSHIP: Is shown by maintaining a solid 3.6 GPA or higher. Cumulative GPAs are not rounded.

 LEADERSHIP:  Is demonstrated by making suggestions to solve problems,  upholding a positive school attitude.  Is resourceful in proposing new solutions to problems, applying principles, and making suggestions. Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities. Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit. Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school. Is able to delegate responsibilities, exemplifies positive attitude, inspires positive behavior in others, demonstrates academic initiative, demonstrates reliability and dependability.  Is a leader in the classroom or in other school activities and is dependable in any responsibility accepted.

SERVICE: This quality is defined through willingly volunteers and provides dependable and well- organized assistance. Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult responsibilities. Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school, home or community. Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and scholastic competitions. Complies to staff requests in a positive manner. Participates in some activity outside of school (Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Religious Groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged).  Mentors persons in the community or students at other schools. Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.

CITIZENSHIP: The student upholds school rules in accordance with the Partnership for Student Success manual (warnings, demerits, detentions). Displays appropriate behavior. Has a high regard for freedom and justice: respects the U.S. form of government and respects the laws at local, state, tribal and federal level that protect that government. Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, service organizations and school clubs.

Understand the Obligations of NJHS Membership

1. Members must: attend all meetings, volunteer for NJHS service projects (10 service hours), maintain the  standards under which they were accepted into the NJHS, be aware that they will be placed on probation if these criteria are not upheld.

2.  Promoting members who have upheld all criteria will have “gold cord” status.  

NJHS Procedure for Selection

1.  Students' Cumulative GPAs are screened for a solid 3.6 or higher for the first and second terms. Cumulative GPAs are not rounded when determining the first step in eligibility.

 2.  Scholastically qualified students are screened for Major Violations in both the academic setting and residential programs.

 3. Candidates are notified of eligibility during the third term.  Nominees may decline the opportunity for further evaluation.

 4. Candidates must fill out and submit an initial application describing activities/clubs/ organizations they are involved in.

 5.  Candidates who qualify during the initial selection process will be asked to write a one-page essay explaining their commitment to National Junior Honor Society’s values and how they demonstrate the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship (this is to exclude traditional duties).

 6. Nominees must adhere to deadlines for submission of all paperwork, failure to do so will result in non-selection. Forms will be submitted on or before their due date.

 7.  The NJHS Faculty Council members will evaluate and select candidates based on completed applications and the essay.

 8. Selected candidates will be notified by letter. They then must notify the adviser of their desire to be inducted and be prepared to participate in a formal induction ceremony.

 Sponsor: Kris Ann Vigil